Wednesday 18 November 2015

Just a few problems

I went to see my neighbour John in hospital yesterday.

You probably do not wish to know the ins and outs of his reason for being there, but I am aware that some of you are always interested in the lovely views of Dorset I occasionally send to you.

Here are a couple, taken from John's room, to show you that even in Poole hospital you can sometimes have a room with a view.

Sorry about the crane below: at least I have deleted the block of flats being built there.

Lucky to have a break in the weather and discover the sky is blue after all!

As you grow older the ways of life become a bit more difficult to master.

Take, for example, "selfies".

Somewhere I got this wrong.

If I had a stick where do I fix it?
And assuming I overcame this problem,  my arms are not long enough to tap the screen to take the picture.

And why did I want a "selfie" in the first place?

Because, I found a new barber today and it wasn't until I got home that I discovered what he had done; which made me think you may want to help when I tell you that I am getting up a gang to go round to beat him up

Here's a gang that could have done it. Picture of me in 1943.
Leave it to you to find me.

This is only here because grand-daughter Leonie wanted to know how I won the war and I am looking out the old pictures. The Germans didn't see this photograph until 1945 and surrendered immediately!

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