Monday 4 May 2015

Odds and ends on a windy day in Poole

Windy day yesterday and too damp underfoot for the bluebell woods. Went down to Poole Quay and its very good museum. Mind you, it was even windier there than at home.

Look at this picture carefully and note where he has his feet. I asked a father and grandfather with a small boy on a scooter why his right foot was on the scooter requiring him to pedal with his left foot.  I asked because I keeping seeing so many scooters being propelled in this fashion and I would have thought it natural to stand on the left foot and propel with the right foot.

The father didn't know and the grandfather said he must be left-handed but didn't know whether he was or not!  So, it has nothing to do with museums: I just asked!

Here's the museum. You could sit on the balcony at the top and  take light refreshments: but not yesterday unless you didn't mind the weather and wanted to see the views:

This is looking out to the harbour with a ship

and this is the High Street.

I borrowed these two pictures from a Poole Museum blog because mine looked somewhat dismal in yesterday's weather.

And here is another kind of ship or boat inside the museum.It is a dugout and if you think it seems to be suffering from woodworm it's because it is 2,310 years old!

Here'a a picture of the Guildhall Tavern I should have included in our 'anniversary' blog.

and here is John, a new found golfing friend.

It has been a blustery weekend and rain is falling now; but it wasn't this morning: it rarely does on golf courses!

Going back to the scooter, I suppose this is the sensible way!

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