A year on and the sun is still shining on the Rec where we walked last January and today.

Not much has changed.
Still got the same clothes!

And as the man in the picture said, there are still walkers who take their dogs for a walk and dogs taking their walkers for a walk. He reckons that two thirds of all dogs here are adopted "rescued" dogs, the majority of which seem to be of the whippet/greyhound variety.
This is the great benefit of walking round here; dogs by the dozen and much stopping with consequential talk, mainly about the attributes of the various breeds; although I was accosted by a 73 year old man today who wanted to know if my limping with a walking stick was the result of knee trouble and who had recently had a new knee in a private hospital in Southampton although they also do National Health operations and it is worth getting it done while you are fit enough to recover quickly and was out with two dogs walking like Usain Bolt. Come to think of it he was walking like Usain Bolt too!

Believe it or not, people walk along here on their way to and from the shops because that's how they get their shopping. Can you imagine carrying two pints of milk, half a dozen eggs, two duck breasts and a bag of potatoes in the pouring rain along here.
But I forgot; it doesn't rain here.
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