Under the circumstances your intrepid explorers set out to see more of our local countryside.
If you want to go down to the sea with us you must first pass the exploration test and find it!
Not just a matter of simply parking the car and being there; although when we parked the car we were nearer to it than this.
Ah! there it is; although it still looks a fair step away.
Unfortunately the path ahead is closed because of crumbling cliffs and associated dangers, which are considered more hazardous than barrel jellyfish the size of wheelie bins which are currently invading our coast! That's the official description, not mine.
Now we are closer, with a view over Poole Harbour to Arne on our left and the distant Purbeck Hills, with Wareham somewhere in the distance to our right.
If you like boats and sailing, this is the place to come.
Perhaps you would like to buy a boat?
They come in all sizes.
Come with us to the boatyard where Aston Martins and Maseratis litter the scene.Take your ease in one of the few oasis I have visited where coiled razor wire ensures you will not be disturbed!
Need I remind you:
experienced explorers always have a destination on mind
You may have noticed in progressive pictures, the build up of clouds since we started out
Although I cannot reproduce the sound of the thunder, this is the scene at five o'clock in the car park of our abode which, according to the weather forecast, will be repeated every day next week.
Sorry; it's official: summer is over!
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