This just can't be true can it?
This can though. This is what all shops should look like - right next to a bar!
As an added bonus the bar is right next to a restaurant and all of it is within the walls of a bowls club; the Dolphin Indoor Bowls Club in Poole which - wait for the next piece of unbelievable news - is six minutes from our new home in Dorset, which includes getting in and getting out of the car!
They have even put pictures on the wall to show you what's outside - if you ever feel the need to go outside.

Poole Quay

where you can buy a house currently on the market at £7,500,000. Too far away from the bowls club for me. And why spend that sort of money when you can be a member here and stay in all day and play for a membership of £75 per annum.
11 rinks of glorious technicolour and comfort;
here's rink 11 where we played this morning: already members you see.
And I think we have discovered why many people here are so friendly and ready to chat. This quote may sum it up.
"Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family". Anthony Brandt
This may explain why everyone living around here seems to be doing so because, like us, age has persuaded them to move nearer their families. In so doing we have discovered what other joys surround us, which we can enjoy while our families get on with their lives.
And there are no stairs to climb and no gardening to think about.
Paradise just keeps improving!