"I supppose people are surprised when they find out you are 92?"
"I worked for brewery companies for 37 years, which makes it even more surprising I have managed to reach 92.
I suppose some of us have to be lucky" said he.
Luckier than he would imagine I thought; but I didn't enlighten him that it is even rarer to find someone of 92 with a new girl friend, especially as I still have a wife!
Not only that, but I still enjoy a glass on a fairly regular basis, which seemed to surprise the nurse who had to note my details.
Q: "Do you drink".
A: "Naturally".
Q: "How often?"
A: "Every day".
Q: "Every day?? I imagine it's beer having been in breweries? How much do you drink?"
A: "Couple of glasses; but rarely beer, mostly red wine".
Q: "Would that be small glasses?"
A: "Not usually".
Q: "Medium?"
A: "Not exactly".
Q: "Large?"
A: "More or less", thinking back to a life when only ladies who drank Babycham had small glasses.
The new girl friend has only just happened. Our first meeting was at Jack and Sammy's new home.
It was Mother's Day and Jack was celebrating with lunch for his mother, my daughter and his grandmother, my wife.
One or two older readers may remember Jack from 'Dear Jack' fame of years long gone.

Here she is, Olive, sitting on my lap quite comfortably.
Very understanding; goes to sleep when I'm enjoying my glass of red.