"if you go down to the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise!"
There are many woods in Dorset, like this, often well provided with good walking to help explorers.
This is the Castleman Trailway, 16 miles long and well-named as it follows the route of an old railway.
Apart from walkers it caters for cyclists and wheelchair users and dogs.
As you can see the cyclists do not necessarily arrive in ones and twos!
They can be a bit dangerous if you are busy watching the golfers on Broadstone Golf Course which is overlooked from the Trailway..
You can see what sort of hole this is and sets you wondering if these two really did pitch their next shots to where you see them in the close-up?
I thought I spotted one of them with a big rake on the far side if the water!
But I was probably mistaken and they are as honest as all golfers, particularly when one called out;
"watch out for the bears!"
Anyway, on with our walk through the woods in the hope that you will be as surpised as we were at the sights we saw!

And we had not yet been to the sort of refuge we usually find when we are out walking.
This haven of rest is the Olive Branch at Wimborne, one of many delightful oases in Dorset.
They are easily spotted by the palm trees.